landing page english

When we want to create something greater than ourselves, we need communities greater than ourselves

It takes courage to start a business, and the journey truly begins the moment you receive your business registration number.

Being a start-up involves navigating a landscape filled with both opportunities and challenges, where the joy of seeing your idea grow contrasts with the difficulties of maintaining a clear strategy.

In an active, inspiring community, you can learn from one another and support each other's successes. Together, we stand united in the fight to make our dreams come true


Single user

  • A network tailored to the startup community

  • A platform that brings together the entire startup ecosystem

  • Education, presentations, and experience sharing aimed at growing startups

  • Loyalty benefits with TechSavvy media

  • Membership benefits with our partners

Multiple users

  • A network tailored to the startup community

  • A platform that brings together the entire startup ecosystem

  • A personalised page dedicated to your teams internal communication

  • Education, presentations, and experience sharing aimed at growing startups

  • Loyalty benefits with TeshSavvy media

  • Membership benefits with our partners

Outtake of TechSavvy partnerships

Our expectations


Our members are committed. They want to see their businesses grow and are eager to work purposefully towards success.

That’s why they actively participate in TechSavvy’s community online events and engage in debates and presentations.

The more people who get involved, the greater the value for everyone.


Tech is at the core of everything we do, and it is also a top priority in your daily life.

Technological development is our shared passion and the foundation of our unity. 

That’s why you’re the perfect fit for our community of tech-savvies if your company operates within the tech industry.

Startup / Scaleup / Hub

Our members are in growth mode, and that’s the foundation of our community.

If your idea is still just an idea, it might be wise to take the first steps before joining us.

We work with the brightest and bravest in a community where we make your dreams grow.

Do you want to hear more?

Send os en besked hvor du beskriver dine ønsker for et netværk, samt nogle af de udfordringer I står overfor i jeres virksomhed og så kan vi tage en dialog om mulighederne i  vores community.